Sunday, November 24, 2019


Strange times... At last there's a general worldwide recognition of our Climate Emergency, but here in Scotland we're still drifting along in our same old gas-guzzling ways, and we're one of the more enlightened countries. I know we're producing a lot of electricity from renewables but our transport is still fueled mostly by oil, and our food security is consequently pathetic. Without those truck deliveries to our supermarkets those shelves would be empty in a couple of days.
Nicola Sturgeon's one of the few politicians I respect at all, yet on the one hand she declares a Climate Emergency and the other proposes to use Scotland's oil revenues to "tackle climate change", how does that add up?
Talk talk talk... Italian politicians do nothing while Venice floods
There's a general idea that planting some trees would be a good idea, but which trees (not Sitka Spruce I hope) and where? Nut trees, fruit trees, native woodland? On whose land? Who's going to look after them and put up and maintain fences round them? It misses the underlying idea of regenerating woodland anyway: see TREE-CONOMY.

I went along to the Scottish Land Commission public meeting. It's brilliant that these meetings happen at all, yet Climate Change was mentioned just once I think. There was some good discussion about land use, reclaiming derelict land and the idea of introducing a Land Tax, which sounds potentially very helpful. But there's still that underlying attitude of "Land Use", that our land is something you use, exploit to generate a financial profit.
I realised at the meeting that in fact there is still very little general understanding of our emergency, let alone any consensus on what to do, politicians operate on consensus, so they say, so...

...So collapse here we come, let's get ready for that as best we can.

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